• Fri 01 Dec - Sat 02 Dec - 2023
  • 20 years old
  • 269
  • Facebook

Viva Sounds 2023

Viva Sounds - a club festival taking place over two nights and ten venues in Gothenburg. 40+ shows within walking distance from each other. Viva Sounds is a weekend when all who loves music can meet up and watch a lot of cool shows together. Age: 18+. https://vivasounds.se/

••• LINE-UP •••
Firebreather • Internet Friends • Julianna Riolino (CA) • Louien (NO) • Mary Anne's Polar Rig • Moto Boy • Nemo Sparding • Schizophrenia (BE) • Svart Katt • Upploppet
+ many to come
••• TICKETS •••
Price: 1 day: 269 kr | 2 days: 369 kr
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